WelcomeWelcome to my personal website www.suzukituning.com. It is about tuning a Suzuki Alto / Suzuki Hatch which is great little car, cheap to run, and you can take it apart with half a box of tools! No special tools required! I will not change anything on the exterior; the tuning is mostly, but not limited to, engine tuning. So if you are not a D-I-Y'er, you probably ended up looking at the wrong website. Never the less, feel free to look around. Besides tuning the suzuki you will also find some info on my "new", I can not find anything mascular, Citroen AX Cheapskate. The website started as a 5 minute; a put my stuff on the web, website. Tnx Pieter. Mmm, but a 5 minute website... that is not true anymore. This website is for hobby use only; Do not expect fancy graphics nor animations.. (although there is one on my nice Fireworks page). "There are only a few cars who attain this speed, but that is because of the combination of a strong engine and a resolute driver. One has to have a cool eye and a fast mind to get the most out of such mechanism."
*** My domain name is being used as return address by spammers. If you get unwanted E-mails, they are not from this site. (just look at the IP) I''m sorry, but there is nothing I can do about that... *** |